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It's time to stake your Ether. Ethereum is transitioning to Proof-of-Stake algorithm

After many debates and EIPs, on August 3rd, Ethereum's Vitalik Buterin announced the transition to Proof-of-Stake algorithm for the Ethereum blockchain.

The announcement states that during the transitioning period (August 3 - August 15), the Ethereum platform will run on a hybrid PoW/PoS algorithm, allowing both miners and stakers to validate transactions and thus earn Ether.

After August 15th, PoW will no longer be sustained and all blocks will be generated by the PoS consensus mechanism.
As the PoS mechanism is still in transition mode, staking is reserved forregistered addresses, until further development and the release of GUI wallets later on.

In cooperation with MyEtherWallet - the open source web wallet for the Ethereum blockchain, we are able to allow Ether holders to stake their ETH and earn dividends on a weekly basis.

At this stage, Ether can be staked for up to 10% ROI, until further implementations on the PoS algorithm, which will reduce the ROI to about 3,5-5%. 

Ethereum foundation


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