If you compare two pieces of American money dating to the 19th century, you could find a dollar coin made of silver and a paper dollar that in those days could also be exchanged for the same silver coin. More than a 100 years ago paper dollar bills were backed by silver, a precious metal that theoretically should always have value. However, today that has changed, a modern dollar bill is backed by nothing but the word of the U.S. government. Therefore the government can do whatever they wish, they can print more paper money, devalue the dollar any time they want, in fact, and although unlikely, the dollar could even disappear completely (Metz, 2013). There are subtle differences between a virtual currency, a digital currency and a cryptocurrency, although the terms are often used interchangeably. Virtual Currency – in 2012 the European Central Bank defined a virtual currency as "a type of unregulated, digital money, which is issued and usually controlled by its ...
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